Success Stories

Teigan Donnelly

Eat for your body type, find training you love, design the health and lifestyle you desire one small victory at a time. Here’s to my strong a.f. goddess 100kg Deadlifter @teeeigss

“I joined ambitious bodies when I didn’t like what I saw in the mirror and didn’t fit any of my clothes. Since training I have already gained so much confidence and happiness with in myself, and it’s an amazing feeling seeing the scales and body fat drop.
My highlight so far was deadlifting 100kg after training with izzy for 4 months, I never thought I’d be able to do that at all. I used to think I hated gyms now I’m there 4/5 times a week living every second of this journey
With Izzys help I WILL make it to a heaving lifting competition and I will hit my goal weight”

Avoiding the weights corner in fear can be the very obstacle holding you back from finding a training style you incredibly love! Let us build your strength and confidence with heavy weights! 🏋🏼‍♂️

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